Character profile – MOLLY

Name: Molly

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

Character: Young, married woman

For our film, Molly is playing the female character who is currently going through a break-up period with her husband / fiancee (we haven’t decided the exact relationship status of both characters yet) and is firstly shown crying and packing a suitcase. As the shots begin dark and dismal, we decided that this should be reflected in her clothing in grey, dark blue or black colours. In contrast, during the couple’s reminiscing shots (with the wheelbarrow) of their happiest moments, the clothes should be altered to bright colours such as yellows, reds and pinks.
As Molly is playing a character a few years older than herself (we think the couple’s age should remain young, around 23 – 25) she needs to attempt to appear older. By this, we could use make-up, clothing and hair styling, and her mannerisms.

Locations for filming

As we decided the film would be mainly based around a typical English home, Molly (who has agreed to star in our short film) has kindly allowed us to film around her house. For the list of shots we’ve decided to include, her house fits the requirements which is also pretty handy.

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Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 14.17.23

Molly lives in the rural hamlet of Bucknall, 10 or so minutes drive from school so we hopefully be able to get there for filming, scheduled on Saturday morning. The weather for this weekend is also fitting as it’s due to rain over Saturday and Sunday morning.

There are plenty of fields around her house which we can use for the happy moments with the wheelbarrow.

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 14.18.17


1. Establishing Shot – quiet corridor in house

2. Close up – window (weather dependent, ideally we want images of rain)

3. Wide shot – Molly’s character crying on the floor

4. Close up – smashed plate / object lying around, showing aftermath of argument

5. Extreme close up / fade – throwing ring on floor/ table/

6. Close up – Crying

7. Mid/ Wide shot – couple arguing.

8. Shot-reverse Shot – Conversation between couple.

9. Reaction shot – Conversation between couple.

10. Establishing shot – Times with the wheelbarrow (e.g gardening)

11. Establishing shot – Wheelbarrow down the street.

12. Close up – couple together

Short film – “Wheel barrow”

First Ideas.

So we’ve began our AS Media Studies course and our first challenge is to devise, film and submit a short film for the LAFTAS by 5th July. And the film must include a reference to the word ‘Wheelbarrow’. Definitely more difficult than it sounds.
We were split up into groups of three to discuss and brainstorm ideas to what the short film could possibly entail and it was immediately apparent that we’ve become stuck of an idea. So we began looking at some modern short films to try and piece together inspiration.